Thank you for considering a donation please see below for the different methods by which you can contribute.
We are run by volunteers and have minimal operating costs, this ensures that any funds collected have maximum impact for the people and country of Nepal.
If you would like your donation to be used for a specific cause of project that you have seen on the Website please let us know and we will allocate the funds accordingly.
Donate Online
You can make a commission free online donation or set up a regular payment through CAF Donate by clicking the button below
If you would like to donate by cheque please make this payable to The Wilkins Memorial Trust & send along with your completed donation form, to the address below
21 Cornmoor Road, Whickham, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE16 4PU.
If you are a UK taxpayer please complete and sign a gift aid section, on the form below, as this allows us to claim the tax back on your donation.
Standing Order
You can also donate by Standing Order. Please complete and return the form below to us with your donation amount and we will set up your regular payment as instructed
Leaving a Legacy
If you would like to remember the Wilkins Memorial Trust in your Will we recommend that you consult your solicitor, who can advise appropriately on wording to ensure that your wishes are carried out exactly as you want them to be.
The following details will ensure that your solicitor can correctly locate the trust
The Wilkins Memorial Trust
21 Cornmoor Road, Whickham, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE16 4PU
Registered charity number (1038323)